Miss Happy. ![]() ![]() ![]() 10/30/09. Hey Guys! Here's the preview for the next chapter in my story called "My Guardian Angel" Hope you'll love it! [previous chapters is currently posted here My Guardian Angel] "Kamsahmnida for everything, Yi Jung." i smiled "No problem, it's the least I could do" "Thanks for the food too" I opened the door "Dont mention it" "Ga Eul?" We heard a voice in the room It was Jang Seok, he was in shock. Oh my gosh, don't tell me he thinks I'm cheating on him. I'm not, I was just hanging out with a friend...right? That's not considered as cheating...yeah. "Jang Seok, this is my friend...So Yi Jung" I smiled as I walked over to him "I know" he said "Hahaha, nice to meet you" Yi Jung said awkwardly "The same goes to you" "Okay, Ummm...you guys want to drink?" I asked to brake the awkwardness "Nah, I'll be going" Yi Jung smiled "Oh okay, thanks for everything" I smiled "Bye" he closed the door I walked to the kitchen to wash my hands. He stayed in his place looking down at the floor. I sighed because I knew, I knew we were going to have a fight about this. He is the type of boyfriend who gets jealous easily but he cools down fast too. I poured the left over juice I had last night in a glass and walked to him. Hoping this would help cool him off easier. -JAZZTiNE[♥] Happiness is Best @ (: 11:44 AM . Hey guys! as a PROMOTER of 21evo My job is to promote 21evo in any sites that i know.. So I'm promoting it in my personal blog called: "What's in the mind of JAZZ ^_^" Are you a FAN of 2NE1 or are you one of the 2NE1 fans?? Then visit this site 21evo.com This site contains Anything & Everything 2NE1 Also join our FORUM: 21evo FORUM "Talk about anything & everything 2NE1!" This forum is made initially for the ’shippers and for the people who want to share fanmade stuff like fanfics, fanpics etc. That's all guys! Please join and have FUN with us ^_^ -JAZZTiNE[♥] Happiness is Best @ (: 11:31 AM 10/26/09. Ok guys! Since I love Twilight , I'm gonna post some quotes by Stephenie Meyer. Her Quotes are just fun to read... ^.^ * "Even more, I had never meant to love him. One thing I truly knew - knew it in the pit of my stomach, in the center of my bones, knew it from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, knew it deep in my empty chest - was how love gave someone the power to break you. --> New MoonI'd been broken beyond repair." * "When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, is it not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end?" -->Twilight * "Before you Bella my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars - points of light and reason. .... And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliance, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no reason for anything." --> New Moon * "He is like a drug to you, Bella." His voice was still gentle, not at all critical. "I see that you can't live without him now. It's too late. But I would have been healthier for you. Not a drug; I would have been the air, the sun." The corner of my mouth turned up in a wistful half smile. "I used to think of you that way, you know. Like the sun. My personal sun. You balanced out the clouds nicely for me." He Sighed. "The clouds I can handle. But I can't fight with an --> Eclipse --> New Moon * "Love is irratational,I reminded myself.The more you loved someone,The lest sense anything made." -->New Moon You want more?? Check it in Quotes by Stephenie Meyer -JAZZTiNE[♥] Labels: Eclipse, New Moon, Quotes, Stephenie Meyer, Twilight Happiness is Best @ (: 6:24 PM 10/23/09. This is for all the readers of my story:"My Guardian Angel" Here's a preview for chapter 15 Hope you'll love it ^_^ Chapter 15:Preview 2 o clock in the morning the next day... Yi Jung's POV I smiled as I remember the events that happened this afternoon. I cant believe shes back. I never thought that I would see her again. I couldn't believe it when I saw her in the audience. Never thought I would see that smile again. I struggled to get to sleep because I've been thinking about her again. I move around my bed trying to hide my grin on my face. I sat down on the edge of my bed and covered my face with my hands. Shes back but she forgot everything. How do I do this? How will I let her remember everything we did together? How will I remind her of everything we've gone through? If you don't know my story...You can check it out and read the Previous chapters at : http://soeul.tsuyamono.net/fanfic/viewstory.php?sid=316 -JAZZTiNE[♥]
Happiness is Best @ (: 4:09 PM 10/18/09. As I was surfing the net...I saw this picture that make me laugh.. :P but suddenly,I can't upload it :( So I'll just write their conversations here. You: Hi Stranger: Hi You: name? Stranger: Chun Wu at your service You: Alexander Goldberg Stranger: Sup?! You: U know I never forgive u koreans for attacking pearl harbor Stranger: Uhmm..I'm chinese and that was the japanese who attacked it... You: chinese,japanese,korean what's the difference?? Stranger: u serious?? You: Yeah! Stranger: .... Stranger: u know i never forgave you jews for sinking the titanic You: that was an iceberg... Stranger: goldberg,greenberg,iceberg.what's the difference?? Just for FUN! :) -->JAZZTiNE[♥] -->Credits... Labels: funny Happiness is Best @ (: 6:23 PM 10/16/09. To all of those people who reads my story in LU Here's the preview for Chapter 14.I'm gonna finish this on Thursday so that I can post the whole chapter in LU on Friday Here's the preview : Ga Eul's POV I sighed in defeat as I covered my face with my hands. Why cant he get out of my head? Why does his voice keep echoing in my head? He was in my head these past few days. Is he important to me? I touched the bracelet on my hand. Why am I wearing this, I don't even know who gave it and yet it felt so special to me. Whenever I touch it, my heart beats faster and the face of Yi Jung keeps popping in my head. Did you give this to me? So many questions left unanswered. I cant take it anymore. I need to know the answers, I have to know. It feels like I'm missing a part of me...Yi Jung are you that part I am searching for? This is so annoying, its frustrating. Forgetting someone that may be the answer to all your question. I am going to do everything...do everything in my will to find what I need to remember, the things I forgot. I am going remember whoever that person is even if this may take forever. So Yi Jung. If you don't know my story, you can read the previous chapters on this link : http://soeul.tsuyamono.net/fanfic/viewstory.php?sid=316&textsize=0&chapter=14 Enjoy! -JAZZTiNE[♥] Happiness is Best @ (: 1:47 PM 10/14/09. Living with us [children] can be the most stressful thing in the world, but just looking at us can also be the best stress-reliever!
Check out this little boy. This is probably the worst case of stage fright I've ever seen... publicly posted in youtube that is. lol. Poor guy. Even when he's thirty, people all over the world are still gonna be watching this video. Ya know how when you're watching and you want that person to do well but you're embarrassed for him at the same time? Ya. That's how I felt while watching this. Still gave me major LOLs though. Oh just watch it! Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1zY38p0Lpw&feature=player_embedded -JAZZTiNE[♥] Happiness is Best @ (: 4:55 PM 10/13/09. ![]() The 2nd book in the Twilight Series : NEW MOON >>Honestly I'm so excited about this movie I'm a obsessed fan of them since Twilight happens :P [Looking forward now! It will be shown in November 11,2009] ![]() >>About JACOB also known as Taylor Lautner I have decided that I will be TEAM JACOB on this film because of his hotness! Bear with me,I'm on wolf spazz mode for a change. ![]() >>About her [Dakota Fanning for Jane!] I'm very curious about her on this movie. Her red eyes are freaky! I was expecting the white area of the eyeball to be red not just the pupils,I was wrong. Happiness is Best @ (: 5:07 PM 10/12/09. ![]() Ok! if I'm rich I'm gonna buy all of these shoes especially the black and green one. So if you'll gonna buy me some shoes,don't forget to buy one of them :)[Sorry for being to choosy haha!] ![]() The hat caught my eye because of its funky feature but sad to say it is so expensive.. [This hat is from FiLA :P] ![]() These headband caught my eye because of its cuteness and weirdness [I like weird things cause I'm a little bit weird haha!] P.S. [Please buy me those things in my b-day or I'll kill you(joke!)] "If you don't know my b-day,It's Febraury 4." Don't EVER forget that.haha! -JAZZTiNE[♥] Happiness is Best @ (: 4:54 PM 10/11/09. ![]() Hey! I'm new here and It's actually my first time to create my personal blog.The reason why I create a blog is because I want other people to know me with my posts..I also want them to know about my interests...
Here are some facts about ME: -->I'm a girl..Well,It's Obvious haha! -->My Birthday is Febraury 4 -->K-POP is my music -->I'm a Positive Person -->I live in Philippines and I'm proud with it! -->I love TWILIGHT & HARRY POTTER -->My fave cartoon character is SPONGEBOB -->My fave actors are Kim Beom,Robert Pattinson,Kwon Ji Yong and Daniel Radcliffe -->My fave actress are Kim So Eun,Kristen Stewart,Selena Gomez,Demi Lovato,Emma Roberts & Megan Fox -->I love reading books especially the "Twilight Saga" -->I hate people who hates me and i love people who loves me ;) -->I ♥ my Family -->I ♥ my friends -->Playing PSP is one of the things that make my day happy! -->I love to surf the net =) -->The color of my hair is BLACK! -->I like Paramore and The Jonas Brothers -->If I have a chance to visit 5 countries..These are my picks:
Add me on Facebook & Friendster >>jaja_deguia2000@yahoo.com Follow me on Twitter >> http://twitter.com/JAZZTiNE Well...That's All :) -JAZZTiNE[♥] Happiness is Best @ (: 3:18 PM |
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